Tuesday 19 April 2011

Extended Metaphor

Def: two unlike thing that in the whole poem. Or sometime they compare unlike ideas too.

     Good-bye, Goldfish

The day my favorite goldfish died,
I’m not ashamed to say, I cried.
I prayed for its departed soul,
then flushed it down the toilet bowl.

Sig: Extended Metaphor make poem image seem to express more feelings and easy to understand easily.


Def: rythm is like a beat of music, the rythm also have in writing.

Ex: I wip my hair
      I just sat there
      Alone in house
      My head was down.

Sig: The rythm make the poem more musical and more fun to read.
Rythm can be hear if you  read out lound.

Monday 18 April 2011


Def: Word bring the feeling into the reader's

Ex: My girlfriend kiss burn my lips

Sig: It's important cause it bring you an image or feeling while you read the poetry. It's also make u enjoy it.


Def: a figure of speech that connect one thing to another. With out using "like"or"as"

Ex He smart like Albert Anstein

Sig: Metaphor make poem more cool and intersting to read and it easy to understand.


Def: Simile is you compare one thing to another with using "like"or"as"

Ex: He's big like an elephant.

Sig: Simile is important because it help the reader understand how it compare one thing to another thing.


Def: Tone is a sound of the character know as perspective.

Ex: C.ronaldo is an awsome soccer player

Sig: It helps us understand how the author think about sonethings or feelings about somethings

Sunday 10 April 2011

What Is Poetry?

Def:Poetry is the way that u show or express your feelings by reading it or wrting it. You should use your imagionation and follow the rythm of the poem.

Ex:I’m glad to say my homework’s done.
I finished it last night.
I’ve got it right here in this box.
It’s not a pretty sight.

My dog chewed up my homework.
He slobbered on it, too.
So now my homework’s ripped to shreds
and full of slimy goo.

It isn’t much to look at,
but I brought it anyway.
I’m going to dump it on your desk
if I don’t get an A.


You must read it alound so that u could hear the rythm and feel it. The Poetry can be anything but u can feel it if u have passion to read it.