Monday 18 April 2011


Def: Word bring the feeling into the reader's

Ex: My girlfriend kiss burn my lips

Sig: It's important cause it bring you an image or feeling while you read the poetry. It's also make u enjoy it.


Def: a figure of speech that connect one thing to another. With out using "like"or"as"

Ex He smart like Albert Anstein

Sig: Metaphor make poem more cool and intersting to read and it easy to understand.


Def: Simile is you compare one thing to another with using "like"or"as"

Ex: He's big like an elephant.

Sig: Simile is important because it help the reader understand how it compare one thing to another thing.


Def: Tone is a sound of the character know as perspective.

Ex: C.ronaldo is an awsome soccer player

Sig: It helps us understand how the author think about sonethings or feelings about somethings

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